
by | May 28, 2023 | Out of the Closet

It was Saturday at 3 am and I was trying a strap-on with my girlfriend. I was bent over in the doggy position waiting for her to put it in on my bed while she was putting it on.

I felt a bit of a rumble but brushed it off because I thought it was nerves from trying something new.

She inserted  it in and went at it for about 45 seconds before needing a break to rest a bit. 

She pulled out and sat back and I let out the longest and loudest fart that I had ever made in my life thus far.

It was so loud it woke up my roommate who was asleep on the other side of our apartment. 

We laughed so hard he came over to yell at us to keep it down. We almost forgot what we were doing because we were laughing so hard

We are still together and she calls me Tootie occasionally.

I’m a guy by the way.

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