by Anonymous Author | Jun 2, 2023 | Floozy's Safer Sex Guide, Taking Care of You
We unconsciously look after our health daily; looking both ways before crossing, wearing a seatbelt and wearing sunscreen; so why is it “I’ll take the chances” with our sexual health? 20 year old university student Josh, like many of us, has found...
by lawrencejuma | May 31, 2023 | Taking Care of You
‘’Look how long your fingers are, Imagine them inside of me’’ . These were the many comments I used to receive growing up in a small town in Essex, at the time I definitely thought I was that guy when girls used to approach me and make such comments. I felt like ...
by Imogen Bowlt | May 31, 2023 | Taking Care of You
People are screaming, crying, throwing up – literally – during their contraceptive IUD insertions. Why? Because pain relief for this procedure is not required and, often, not even an option. We dive into the nitty gritty of why this is a problem and what doctors might...
by Elena Baeza Ruso | May 31, 2023 | Taking Care of You
We never think its going to happen to us until it does. You´ve probably heard about a yeast infection or may have had it before, but you may not know exactly what it is. If you want to know more about it and most importantly how to avoid it (when you can), keep...
by Mmesoma Muogilim | May 30, 2023 | Floozy's Safer Sex Guide, Taking Care of You
Its never too late or early to get a healthier vagina *wink* Vulva. Vagina. There I said it (no side eye remember?). These are unfortunately still dirty words in regular conversation. The stigma following the vagina and vulva makes it hard to remember they are two...
by Imogen Bowlt | May 30, 2023 | Taking Care of You
Antidepressants work by stabilizing our moods and numbing our emotions which can be the answer when struggling with your mental health. In the whirlwind of young romance, dulling our feelings of love can add to the list of difficulties when navigating relationships...