by Yoan Shterev | Jun 2, 2023 | All about Love
It’s not always wedding bells that signify success. Sometimes it’s the notification bell when your phone gets a new Tinder message. Most of us have long given up on the idea of finding true romance on dating apps. And it’s not surprising, after all,...
by Imogen Bowlt | Jun 1, 2023 | Let's talk about Sex
How does racism affect people’s sex lives? We sat down with queer black sex advocate Tara Michaela Jones where she discusses both her own, and common experiences of racism that can occur in the bedroom. Racism and intersectional experiences can affect different...
by Caitlin Hart | Jun 1, 2023 | All about Love
The Floozy guide to playing the field without being a dick. We get it. Sometimes, all you need is to date around. Whether you’ve come out of a relationship and want to get yourself back out there, or just want to have some fun, ‘playing the field’...
by Ramona Gabriela Toderascu | May 31, 2023 | Let's talk about Sex
Drink some wine and get ready to grind, cause I’m about to tell you the secret of red wine between the sheets. We all know that alcohol has a very strong power when it comes to getting rid of our inhibitions and turning up the heat. Pass me some tequila shots...
by Yoan Shterev | May 31, 2023 | All about Love
Are we just writing a fantasy novel through texts? As a dating app addict with a PhD in disappointment, I’ve had my fair share of trying to romanticise hopeless situations. I’ve been an unpaid psychologist, a trauma dumpster and so many other things that I...