by Imogen Bowlt | Jun 2, 2023 | Let's talk about Sex
Video by Imogen Bowlt WATCH: WATCH: Sex Positions or Food? Floozies Guess – Floozy ( The Floozies are back again and testing their knowledge. These words are either a spicy position or food. Can you guess them all correctly? Kumquat This is...
by Mmesoma Muogilim | May 31, 2023 | Let's talk about Sex
Floozy’s guide to getting it on with pain in your knees. Not all of us have knees like Megan Thee Stallion. Some of us crackle, some of us pop and some of us are the entire Rice Krispies bowl. It’s okay, you’re not alone. A lot of us have some kind...
by Elena Baeza Ruso | May 24, 2023 | Let's talk about Sex
Floozy’s guide to getting it on without sweating it off Picture this: It’s extremely hot, you’re sweating your ass out and all you want to do is stay inside the pool – for three whole months. But suddenly your libido decides to act up. Now...